Knife makers
Stilettos and law
Manufacturer of knife scales and handles Lucio DiBon
Special mention deserves the artisan whose name is unknown, but is great contribution to the production of automatic stilettos. It is a manufacturer of knife scales and handles Lucio DiBon. All knife-makers in Maniago know Lucio, because almost all of them use his materials for assembly of knives. Even a knife-maker Rocco Petrunti from Frosolone uses Lucio’s materials.
Lucio DiBon in his workshop
Lucio DiBon with his assistant
Diploma of knife-maker - a sign of recognition of Lucio DiBon's craftsmanship
Lucio owns “DiBon & Centazzo” S.N.C. with Danilo Centazzo. This shop has every wood, horn and man-made material known to man. .
Фирма “DiBon & Centazzo” S.N.C.
Valuable species of wood, horn and other materials in warehouses of “DiBon & Centazzo” S.N.C.
Source: http://www.sharperdeal.com/fredde10/dibon.htm